J’ai déjà évoqué à plusieurs reprises au fil de ce blog, la société Caennaise Ulteo, fondée par Gael DUVAL, fondateur de Mandriva.
Ulteo développe “Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop“; une solution Open Source installable de délivrance de bureaux virtuels et d’applications pour l’entreprise. Il permet aux départements IT de délivrer facilement des bureaux utilisateur et des applications, à moindre coût que d’autres solutions. Il fonctionne aussi bien dans un environnement Windows que Linux.
A l’occasion de la sortie de la version 2.0, Ulteo lance une campagne de recrutement de BetaTesteurs dont je reporte l’annonce ci-dessous:
We hope you had an awesome summer and have some goals set for
the fall! After all, goals help to keep us on track.
Speaking of goals, Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop (OVD) v1.0 has
been going global. Thank you all for your support!
We’ve been busy developing the Ulteo OVD beta for our 2.0
release that you can try very soon as a beta tester.
The key feature in this release is the ability to deliver
applications either on a full desktop in the web-browser, or
start each application in a dedicated browser window. We want
to do this by allowing you to click on a link for a web page
or a document in a centralized folder. This is very common in
corporate portal/intranet today.
And in case you’re wondering, we still support both Linux and
Windows applications.
We are now looking for enterprise users who can beta test our
product and provide feedback. We want to build this product
around your needs. Our goal is to have a stable production
version by the end of the year.
We are now looking for enterprise users who can beta test our
product and send us feedback. We’ll do our best to incorporate
your feedback so we can have it ready in a stable production
version by the end of the year.
We plan to release our beta by the end of September. We’d need
to collect your feedback within one month so we can be ready
in time for our goals.
Let us know if you are interested by sending me an email,
answer to this message at tk@ulteo.com <mailto:tk@ulteo.com>
Please include the following information:
1. Your first name and last name: …
2. Your organization website address: http://
3. Your company title: …
4. Does you organization already use a virtual desktop solution
(SBC or VDI) and a corporate portal? If so, which one? …
5. Describe in one line or two what is your ideal PoC to
test Ulteo: …
6. What are the 3 key benefits/goals you would be looking to
achieve with a solution like Ulteo? Please describe each
one in one line.
This information will help us select the best beta tester team
for this version. We will notify you quickly if you are selected
or not for the beta program.